Reschedule Interview Email Sample: Crafting an Effective Message

Are you struggling to come up with the perfect reschedule interview email? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many job seekers find themselves in the same position, unsure of what to say or how to say it. But fear not, I’m here to help. In this article, I’ll be sharing some reschedule interview email samples that you can use as a template or edit as needed. Whether you need to cancel, postpone or rearrange your interview, these examples have got you covered. So, read on and take the stress out of sending that all-important email.

The Best Structure for Reschedule Interview Email Sample

Rescheduling an interview can be a tricky business. On one hand, you want to be courteous and professional, but on the other hand, you also want to convey your interest in the position and avoid giving the impression that you’re not serious about the opportunity. Therefore, it’s crucial to use the right structure and tone in your reschedule interview email sample.

1. Be Apologetic and Show Gratitude

The first thing to do when rescheduling an interview is to apologize for any inconvenience you may have caused the potential employer and show gratitude for the opportunity. This will help you establish a positive tone and display your professionalism. You can use sentences like:

  • “I want to express my sincere apology for any inconvenience this rescheduling may cause.”
  • “I’m grateful for this opportunity and appreciate your flexibility.”

2. Provide a Reason for Rescheduling

It’s essential to provide a valid reason for rescheduling an interview. Avoid using vague or generic excuses and be honest about the situation. Whether it’s a personal emergency, a conflicting meeting, or any other matter, explain it in a concise and respectful manner. Keep in mind that you don’t need to go into too much detail, and it’s vital to focus more on the solution rather than the problem.

3. Propose a New Meeting Date and Time

When proposing a new meeting date and time, offer a range of options to demonstrate your flexibility and commitment. Also, try to use a friendly tone and avoid sounding too demanding or rigid. You can use phrases like:

  • “I’m available on . . . (provide a range of dates and times) and am happy to accommodate your needs.”
  • “What would be the best time and day for you to reschedule our interview?”

4. Reiterate Your Interest in the Position

Finally, it’s essential to reiterate your interest in the position and convey your motivation to pursue the opportunity. This will show the employer that rescheduling the interview doesn’t reflect a lack of commitment or interest. You can use phrases like:

  • “I’m looking forward to discussing this position further with you and learning more about your company.”
  • “Thank you again for considering me for this opportunity, and I’m excited to explore the position in greater depth.”

Overall, by using the above structure, you can craft a reschedule interview email sample that is both professional and courteous. Remember that the key is to show your genuine interest in the position while also being respectful of the potential employer’s time and schedule.

7 Sample Reschedule Interview Email Templates

Rescheduling Interview due to Personal Emergency

Dear _____,

I am sorry to inform you that I won’t be able to attend the scheduled interview due to a personal emergency. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

I request you to kindly reschedule the interview to the next available date. Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my situation.

Best regards,


Rescheduling Interview due to a Sudden Illness

Dear _____,

Unfortunately, I am not in good health and cannot attend the interview scheduled at the firm on _____. I apologize for the inconvenience caused and request you to please reschedule the interview at a time convenient for both of us.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter, and I appreciate your assistance in accommodating my needs.

Warm regards,


Rescheduling Interview due to Work Related Reason

Dear _____,

Unfortunately, I have an unavoidable work commitment that conflicts with the interview scheduled on _____. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and request you to kindly reschedule the interview at a time convenient for both of us.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility, as I am eager to meet with the team and discuss my qualifications.

Best regards,


Rescheduling Interview due to Transportation Issues

Dear _____,

I regret to inform you that I am unable to attend the interview scheduled on _____ due to some unforeseen transportation issues. I appreciate your understanding and would be grateful if you could reschedule the interview at another convenient time.

Thank you for your time and patience, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best wishes,


Rescheduling Interview due to Weather Conditions

Dear _____,

Due to the current inclement weather conditions, I find it unsafe to commute and attend the interview scheduled on _____. I apologize for the inconvenience and request for your assistance in rescheduling the interview at a time convenient for all of us.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter, and I appreciate your consideration.

Kind regards,


Rescheduling Interview due to Lack of Preparation

Dear _____,

Thank you for considering me for the interview scheduled for _____. I am grateful for the opportunity, but unfortunately, I have not been able to prepare well in time. I would like to request your kind support in rescheduling the interview so that I am better equipped to make the most of this opportunity.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused and assure you that I will make every effort to prepare well for the rescheduled date and time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,


Rescheduling Interview due to a Family Emergency

Dear _____,

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the interview scheduled for _____due to a family emergency. I am sorry for the short notice, but I cannot leave my family at this time.

May I request your help in rescheduling the interview at a later date when things have improved? I appreciate your understanding and flexibility in this matter and offer my apologies once again.



Tips for Rescheduling an Interview Email

Rescheduling an interview can be a tricky task, as it requires finding a time that works for both you and the interviewer. However, with the right approach and some simple techniques, you can make the process smooth and efficient. Here are some tips for rescheduling an interview email:

  • Be prompt and courteous: Try to notify the interviewer as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the last minute to reschedule. Show that you value their time by being polite and courteous in your email.
  • Be specific: Clearly mention the date and time of the interview you’re rescheduling. This will avoid any confusion and help the interviewer understand that you respect their schedule by not wasting their time.
  • Provide a reason: If you need to reschedule, give a valid reason as to why you are unable to attend the previously scheduled interview. You don’t need to provide an elaborate explanation, just a brief explanation will suffice.
  • Suggest a new date and time: Be proactive in offering alternative dates and times for the interview. Be sure to check your own availability and suggest some options that work for you as well as the interviewer.
  • Offer apologies: Express your apologies for the inconvenience caused and appreciation for their time and understanding in the email. This will help to put them at ease and show that you are professional and considerate of their time.
  • Keep it short and to the point: Avoid writing a lengthy email and getting into irrelevant details. Be brief, concise, and stay on topic. Keep your email simple and easy to understand.

In summary, rescheduling an interview email requires that you follow some simple techniques and etiquette. Be prompt, specific, and courteous, and always provide a valid reason. Offer alternative dates and times that work for both parties and express your apologies for any inconvenience caused. Remember to keep your email short and to the point. With these tips, you can set yourself up for a successful interview experience.

Reschedule Interview Email Sample FAQs

What should the subject line of a reschedule interview email contain?

The subject line of a reschedule interview email should clearly indicate that you are requesting to reschedule the interview. You could use a subject line like “Request to Reschedule Interview” or “Rescheduling our Interview Appointment.”

How should I start a reschedule interview email?

You should start the email with a courteous greeting addressing the hiring manager respectfully, followed by a brief apology and a request to reschedule the interview.

What should I include in a reschedule interview email?

A reschedule interview email should include your apology for the inconvenience caused, your reason for the request for rescheduling, your availability for the new interview date and time, and a request for confirmation on their acceptance of the new date and time.

What are some valid reasons for rescheduling an interview?

Some valid reasons for rescheduling an interview include illness, emergencies, conflicting prior commitments, or transportation issues.

What should I do if I haven’t received a response after sending a reschedule interview email?

If you haven’t received a response after a reasonable time, you should follow up with a polite email or phone call, reiterating your request to reschedule the interview.

How much notice should I give when requesting a rescheduled interview?

You should give as much notice as possible when requesting a rescheduled interview to demonstrate your commitment to the interview process and to provide the interviewer ample time to reschedule and rearrange their schedules.

What if the interviewer suggests a new interview date and time that is not suitable for me?

You should politely explain your conflict and propose alternative dates and times if possible. If you cannot propose any alternative dates, you could ask if there is any flexibility on their end, or briefly explain why the suggested date and time is not feasible for you.

Is it unprofessional to reschedule an interview?

It is not unprofessional to reschedule an interview. It is better to request a reschedule than to show up late or unprepared for the interview.

What could happen if I cancel or reschedule too often?

If you cancel or reschedule interviews frequently without a valid reason, it could create a negative impression about your reliability and commitment to the hiring process, which may potentially affect your chances of getting the job.

Wrapping Up

Hoping that the rescheduling process goes smoothly for you. Sometimes things come up unexpectedly you need to adjust plans. Don’t feel guilty for asking to reschedule, just make sure to give enough notice and be gracious in your email. We hope this “reschedule interview email sample” article helped you in crafting your own email. Thanks for taking the time to read it! Don’t forget to check back in for more helpful tips and tricks.