Request Personal Time Off Email Sample: How to Write a Professional Email for Taking Time Off

Are you feeling burnt out from work and need a break? Maybe it’s time to request some personal time off. Taking time off to recharge and reset can do wonders for your mental and physical health, as well as give you the time you need to focus on personal responsibilities or simply relax.

But composing the perfect email to request time off may seem daunting, and you may not know where to start. Well, fear not, because here you can find request personal time off email sample templates that can serve as a starting point for your own request. These templates can be edited to fit your specific situation and needs, making the process a whole lot easier.

So go ahead and take the first step towards finding the peace and balance you deserve. Use these templates as a guide, and don’t forget to prioritize your well-being.

The Best Structure for Requesting Personal Time Off Email

Taking a break from work is important for our mental health and overall well-being. However, requesting personal time off can sometimes feel intimidating or uncomfortable. That’s why it’s important to approach this task in a professional and courteous manner. In this article, we’ll discuss the best structure for requesting personal time off email, so that you can confidently and successfully communicate your request to your employer.

First and foremost, it’s essential to be clear and concise in your email. Begin by stating the purpose of your email in the subject line, such as “Request for Personal Time Off.” In the body of the email, briefly explain your reason for taking time off, whether it’s for a family event, a medical appointment, or simply for some much-needed rest and relaxation. Make sure to include the dates you will be requesting off, and the duration of your requested time off, whether it be a half day, a full day, or multiple days.

Next, it’s important to be respectful of your employer’s time and resources. Provide ample notice for your time off request, so that your employer can plan accordingly and make any necessary arrangements. If your request is during a particularly busy time of year, or if multiple employees are requesting time off at the same time, be prepared to negotiate your dates or potentially alter your plans if necessary.

Finally, always express your gratitude and appreciation for your employer’s understanding and support. Thank them in advance for considering your request, and offer to provide any additional information or assistance they may need during your absence. This will demonstrate your commitment to your job and your willingness to work collaboratively with your employer to ensure a smooth transition during your time off.

In conclusion, requesting personal time off can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these simple guidelines for the best structure for requesting personal time off email, you can confidently and professionally communicate your request to your employer, while ensuring that your job responsibilities are properly accounted for during your time away.

7 Examples of Requesting Personal Time Off Email

Family Emergency Leave Request


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a personal time off for three days due to a family emergency. My mother was recently in an accident, and I need to travel out of town to be with her during her recovery.

I understand that this request may cause some inconvenience to the team, but I assure you that I have completed all of my pending projects before leaving, so it will not affect the workflow. I have also provided all the necessary instructions to my colleague, who will be covering for me in my absence.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to being back in the office soon to continue my work.

Best Regards,

John Doe

Work-from-home Request Due to Illness


I hope all is well with you. I am writing to request a work-from-home option next week Tuesday due to an unexpected illness that has made it impossible for me to come into the office.

I have consulted a doctor, and he has recommended that I avoid any external exposure for at least two days. I have completed all the necessary preparations to work from home, and I will ensure that all my work is completed and submitted on time. I will also ensure that I am fully available to communicate with colleagues and supervisors through email or phone as needed.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance during this time. I look forward to returning to work soon.

Best regards,

Jane Smith

Personal Day Request

Dear Manager,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a personal day off next Friday, July 16th. I have some personal matters that I need to take care of, and I would like to use this time to do so.

I will make sure all my work is well handled to prevent any disruption to the team’s workflow. I would also ensure that all my tasks assigned to me are completed before my personal day, and everything is set for my absence.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding regarding this request.


Joshua Benjamin

Mental Health Leave Request

Hello HR,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request a personal time off for two weeks starting from Monday, August 9th, due to some personal reasons regarding my mental health status.

I have made myself available in meetings, arranged my work schedule, and made all other arrangements to ensure a smooth transition period during my absence. I have also asked my colleague to be my backup and ensure that everything is running smoothly in my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and support on this issue and look forward to returning to work to continue my outstanding work.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Samuel Ani

Vacation Request

Dear Manager,

I am writing to request a personal time off of two weeks starting on Monday, September 13th, to take a well-deserved vacation. I have completed all the pending work and ongoing projects, and I have trained my colleague, who will be covering my tasks during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support, and please let me know if there is anything else I can do to ensure a smooth transition during my absence.

Best regards,

Christiana Ayo

Paternity Leave Request

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request personal time off from work to attend to my newborn child and support my family.

I plan to take leave for three weeks, starting from Monday, October 4th, to bond with my newborn baby and provide necessary support for my spouse. During my absence, my colleague, who has been briefed on the work at hand, will stand in for me.

I hope to have your support and understanding on this matter, and I will make sure to complete my work before my leave date.


Chinedu James

Unforeseen Family Event Leave Request

Dear Supervisor,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request personal time off for two days on Monday, November 22nd, and Tuesday, November 23rd, due to an unforeseen family event.

I understand the importance of my presence in the workplace, but this matter requires my urgent attention. Please be assured that I will make all the necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth handover of my work responsibilities and designate responsible individuals who will handle my responsibilities during my absence. I will also be available to others through email or phone during this period.

I appreciate your understanding and support regarding this issue and look forward to returning to work soon.

Best regards,

Kimberly Okwara

Tips for Requesting Personal Time Off through Email

When requesting personal time off through email, it is important that your email is clear, concise and respectful. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective email:

  • Be clear and specific about the dates you will be requesting off. Provide the exact dates and any other relevant information that your boss needs to know, such as how long you will be away, and if there are any important events or deadlines coming up during your absence.
  • Give your boss enough notice. It’s always best to ask for time off as far in advance as possible. This gives everyone enough time to plan around your absence and minimize any disruptions to the team’s work.
  • Provide a clear and compelling reason for your time off. Whether you need to tend to a personal matter or just need a break, make sure that you explain why this time off is important to you and why it is necessary.
  • Be professional and respectful. Keep your email polite, courteous and professional. Avoid using any negative or derogatory language and make sure your tone is respectful.
  • Be flexible and open to compromises. Sometimes your boss may not be able to grant your request exactly as you asked. Be prepared to negotiate or make compromises to find a solution that works for everyone involved.
  • Offer to help alleviate any additional workload. If your absence will put extra pressure on your coworkers, offer to help them out by taking on some additional tasks before you leave or when you return.

By following these tips, you can write an effective email that clearly communicates your request for personal time off while showing your commitment and respect for your work and colleagues.

Request Personal Time Off Email Sample FAQs

What is a personal time off request?

A personal time off request is a written request for time off from work due to personal reasons, such as vacation, personal emergency, or family matters.

What should I include in my personal time off request email?

You should include the reason for your request, the specific dates you will be absent, and any relevant details your supervisor or HR department needs to know. Be sure to use a professional tone and follow company policy for requesting time off.

How far in advance should I request time off?

You should request time off as far in advance as possible. Check your company’s policy for the minimum notice required, but generally, two weeks’ notice is considered appropriate.

Do I need to provide documentation for my personal time off request?

Depending on the reason for your request, your company may require documentation to support your absence. This may include doctor’s notes, passport copies, or proof of scheduled appointments.

What if my personal time off request is denied?

If your time off request is denied, you can try to negotiate with your supervisor or HR department. If the denial is due to company policy or lack of available resources, you may need to adjust your plans or reschedule your time off for a later date.

Can I use sick days for personal time off?

Many companies allow employees to use sick days for personal time off, but be sure to check company policy to avoid any misunderstandings or penalties.

How many personal days off do I get per year?

The number of personal days off you get per year varies by company and may depend on your position, length of tenure, or performance. Check your employee handbook or ask your supervisor for details.

Do personal days off rollover to the next year?

Many companies have a “use it or lose it” policy for personal days off, meaning you must use them within a certain time frame or forfeit them. However, some companies allow unused personal days off to carry over to the next year.

What if I need to cancel my personal time off request?

If you need to cancel your time off request, let your supervisor or HR department know as soon as possible. Be prepared to explain your reasons for canceling and work with your team to make alternative arrangements if necessary.

Wishing You a Great Time Off!

And that’s it! You now have everything you need to request personal time off like a pro. Remember, taking care of your well-being and mental health is essential to keep you motivated and productive at work. So don’t hesitate to use this sample email as a template, and adapt it to your particular situation. Thanks for stopping by, and see you soon for more life-simulating content!